Dianne Waltner

Animal Chaplain 

Honoring animal lives, healing human hearts

Welcome to my site!
I’m Dianne, an animal chaplain


Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult times of our lives, whether that loved one is a human, dog, cat, horse, bird, or other animal companion.

However, when anticipating or mourning the loss of the animal companion, it can be difficult for many people to find a concerned and understanding person with whom to share their feelings.

As an animal guardian who has dealt with the death of several beloved cats, I understand how painful it can be. That’s one reason I became an animal chaplain – to provide support through all aspects of this transition, whether by natural death or euthanasia. I’m here to be of service, to listen, and to hold space for you.

Possible topics of discussion include the following:

-End of life and aftercare (caring for the body) decisions
-How to cope with grief
-The decision to get another animal companion
-Memorializing your pet
-Exploring spiritual and emotional issues related to animals
-Any other area of need or interest

I’m also available to provide support for those who serve animals, including veterinarians, vet techs, shelter employees, and rescue workers.

You do not have to be a part of any faith tradition to consult with a chaplain. I will work with you whether or not you consider yourself religious or spiritual, atheist or agnostic.

My services are available via phone, Zoom, or locally in the Wichita, Kansas area. 

Why did I become an animal chaplain?

Although it’s been many years ago, I still remember the day I pulled out of the veterinarian’s driveway with the body of my beloved cat, Natasha. After she suffered organ failure, I had made the very difficult decision to have her euthanized. I was crying hysterically as I left the office and could barely see well enough to drive but, eventually made it home safely.

After her death, I felt that I needed to do something to memorialize her and was grateful to find a local pet cemetery.They had a little room in which I spent a few last minutes with her before the “final” goodbye and she was buried in a small casket.

Following the burial, I read everything I could find about losing a pet, and found some poems that comforted me. I felt compelled to write one out – https://thecatsite.com/threads/a-poem-for-anyone-who-has-had-a-loss-four-feet-in-heaven.12648/ – on a small piece of paper (this was pre-computer and printer days) and put it in a small double frame with Tasha’s photo next to it.

At the time, I had a housemate who was very caring and tried to support me the best he knew how. Although I appreciated his concern for my feelings, it really hurt when he asked me to take down the photo/poem because he was afraid that his friends would make fun of me for being so upset over “just a cat.”

This was back in the 1980s and, while there was beginning to be some awareness of the importance of the human-animal bond, it was not yet very well known. My pain was intense, and I wasn’t sure how to handle it. My world was shattered. My family was concerned and did what they could, trying to “cheer me up.”

What I really needed, however, was someone who could listen, hold space for me, and validate my feelings. There was no escaping the pain, but having someone to be willing to sit with me in my grief would have been so helpful. Someone who understood.

That’s why I’m here to provide that service as an animal chaplain.

My services are available via phone, Zoom, or locally in the Wichita, Kansas area. Contact me for a free 30 minute introductory visit.

My Services


For animal guardians, I offer support for:

-Discernment regarding end-of-life decisions

-Anticipatory grief

-Decisions on aftercare (how to care for the body)

– Grief and bereavement following the death

I also offer support for veterinarians and their staff, shelter employees, rescue workers, and animal activists dealing with compassion fatigue.


We are generally familiar with the traditions, customs, and rituals surrounding a human death. But we don’t have those same traditions when we lose our animal companions. Until recently, there were not many options. That is quickly changing as more people realize the deep connection between humans and their animal companions and the importance of the human-animal bond. 

I can work with you to discover the best options for you to memorialize your companion. I can help you create rituals to honor your beloved animal companion with a “sacred sendoff.”


I’m happy to work with you whether or not you are vegan. That certainly is not a requirement!

But, if you are interested in learning more about living a vegan lifestyle, I’d gladly visit with you and do my best to answer any questions you may have.

About Me

I’m not your typical animal advocate. I grew up on a farm in rural Kansas, where my family ran a poultry hatchery, and where I worked for many years. An introverted, highly sensitive child who was bullied and ostracized at my small school, I always felt a sense of solidarity with the underdog. I was eventually encouraged to challenge the paradigm I was raised in, which led me to Veganism and a commitment to justice for nonhuman animals.

I graduated magna cum laude from Wichita State University with a BA in psychology.

For more than 10 years, I was active in the Wichita Animal Rights Meetup group, which I founded in 2012. During that time, I organized the monthly meetings, Vegan potlucks, discussion groups, Vegan film fests, Vegan holiday potlucks, circus protests, a “What Really Matters” conference with JoAnn and Sarina Farb, tableing and outreach at various events, and Vegan pop-up markets.

In 2021, I published a memoir titled Evolving into Wholeness: My Journey of Compassion.

In 2022, I completed the Main Street Vegan Academy, becoming a Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator (VLCE). And in 2023, I completed the coursework to become a Master Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator (MVLCE).

Recent Work

Animal chaplain

I have completed the 9-month training program for Animal Chaplaincy through the Compassion Consortium. This training “combines chaplaincy fundamentals and bereavement basics with best practices from the innovative fields of interspirituality, humane education, animal theology, nature spirituality, and human-animal studies.” 

I was ordained as an Animal Chaplain on June 25, 2023.

Vegan Coach

I’m a Certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator (VLCE) through the Main Street Vegan Academy, founded by Victoria Moran, best-selling author and vegan legend. This course covers every aspect of vegan living with instructors who are illustrious leaders in the vegan/plant-based world. 

Evolving into Wholeness: A Journey of Compassion

Books have always been important to me and have been a big part of my life. 

Client Love

I cannot say enough good things about animal chaplain, Dianne Waltner.  When I lost my little dog Sundae, my world imploded and I was drowning in sadness.  With her kind and constant support, Dianne listened and understood.  It takes a special person to sit in the midst of such sharp grief, and Dianne was there for me, every day and every step of the way.  With her help, I was able to process my loss and ultimately adopt two rescues.  My house is once more filled with joyous barks, and much of that is due to Dianne’s wisdom and caring.

-Elaine H, Washington state


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